How we think

Where only needles were once manufactured, complex and high quality medical devices are now created.

The special quality of our integrated solutions results primarily from an intense dialogue with our customers and an in-depth understanding of their needs. Years of experience and an understanding of the specific requirements of the OEM business further enhance our capabilities.

We are on your side during all phases of product development. Our precision medical devices find application in many areas of human medicine. The exceptional quality is the result of our mastery of a highly diverse set of manufacturing techniques and the interdisciplinary cooperation between all departments at sfm.

The company manufactures at two locations. The largest production site, with central administration and product development, is located in Wächtersbach, Germany. A manufacturing subsidiary located in Prague, Czech Republic belongs to the group.

The "Code of Conduct" contains principles of conduct that have always been a matter of course for us: no corruption, no mistrust, no involuntary employment relationships and no child labor. These principles of conduct not only apply internally, they are the foundation for all business relationships at sfm medical devices GmbH. We do not see social responsibility as a burden but as an obligatory element of socio-ecological systems. You can find the current certificate here:

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We focus on sustainable business practices that are economically, ecologically, and socially compatible. We bear responsibility for the future of our planet, its societies, and nature. We strive to avoid environmental pollution, preserve biodiversity, and use resources efficiently. We are committed to upholding human rights and fair working conditions, and we reject child labor, exploitation, and corruption. Our goal is to be active shapers of the future and to seize the many opportunities offered by sustainable business practices. We regularly report internally and externally on the state of sustainability in our company. To best meet these self-imposed standards, we have joined the B.A.U.M. network for sustainable business.

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AEO approval sfm medical devices GmbH

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Safety and health protection have top priority when it comes to work in times of the Corona pandemic. Occupational health and safety plays a central role in this context. With the SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standard, minimum standards were developed, which we as a company have implemented and realized.

Information on Whistleblower Protection Act

As a company, we have always positioned ourselves unequivocally in favor of lawful conduct because it ensures sustainable success for all of us. Therefore, we want to be informed about any unlawful behavior within our organization so that we can address and rectify such conduct.

We proactively comply with legal requirements by providing all employees, customers, and suppliers with the opportunity to securely report violations. Tips can also be submitted anonymously if desired.

The whistleblower system is exclusively designed to receive and process reports related to actual or perceived violations and is not intended for general complaints.
